Never mind the weather..............
Well the weather might be awful but lets look forward to Spring and some steady sunshine. The winter period always sees the nursery in busy, busy mode and this season is no different, when we are potting up new plants and re-potting older ones. New stock has been arriving steadily since the Autumn so we are now well stocked with a super selection of new plants, over 400 varieties of shrubs, 350 different herbaceous perennials, 70 types of climbing plant and 70 ornamental trees. There is also a good selection of fruit trees and bushes, and for those looking for some Spring colour there are lots of potted bulbs ready to go.
Please don’t forget our feathered friends, it is important to help them through the cold months when food can be difficult for them to find, you can find a range of seed and feeds on the nursery plus the feeders to put it in.